
This Data Sharing Policy outlines the practices and procedures related to the collection, use, and sharing of data within our farming app ("App") between the farmers (users) and their partner organizations ("Partners"). By accessing and using the App, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.

Data Collection and Use

Personal Information: When you use the App, we may collect personal information such as your name, contact details, location, and farm-related data. This information is collected to provide you with the services, features, and functionalities of the App. It may also be used for communication, account management, and to improve our services.

Farming Data: The App may collect and store farming-related data, including crop types, planting schedules, soil conditions, irrigation practices, and yield information. This data is used to provide personalized recommendations, insights, and analytics to improve farming practices and enhance productivity.

Partner Integration: The App may integrate with Partner organizations to provide additional services, features, or resources to users. In such cases, we may share relevant data, including personal information and farming data, with our Partners. The purpose of sharing this data is to enable Partner-specific functionalities, facilitate collaborations, and improve the overall user experience.

Data Sharing with Partners

User Consent: Your data sharing with Partners will only occur with your explicit consent. We will seek your consent through clear and transparent means, such as specific opt-in requests or privacy settings within the App. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Data Purpose: When sharing data with Partners, it will be done solely for the purpose of providing you with enhanced services, features, and opportunities that are relevant to your farming activities. We will ensure that Partners adhere to privacy and data protection standards consistent with this policy.

Anonymization and Aggregation: We may aggregate and anonymize your data to generate statistical or aggregated insights. These aggregated and anonymized datasets may be shared with Partners or used for research, analysis, and industry reports. These datasets will not personally identify you.

Data Security and Retention

Security Measures: We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. This includes encryption, access controls, regular security audits, and secure data storage practices.

Data Retention: We will retain your data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy, comply with legal obligations, or resolve disputes. Upon request, we will delete or anonymize your personal data, subject to any applicable legal requirements.

Your Rights and Choices

Access and Update: You have the right to access, update, or correct your personal information stored within the App. You can review and modify your information through the App's settings or by contacting our support team.

Data Sharing Controls: You have the right to manage your data sharing preferences within the App. You can control the specific data shared with Partners or revoke your consent for data sharing at any time.

Changes to the Data Sharing Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Data Sharing Policy at any time. We will notify you of any material changes through the App or other appropriate means. Continued use of the App after such changes will indicate your acceptance of the revised policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Data Sharing Policy or our data practices, please contact us at info [@]